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Our Approach

  • Plan
  • Document
  • Implement
  • Audit


Each organization faces a distinctive set of risks that is essentials to plan for.

Potential Risks

Identifying risk at all level assists to prevent undesirable events.


Planned quality will aid in assuring conformance to customer requirements, external and internal standards and procedures.


Training boost the skills and thereafter quality, productivity and effectiveness of automotive system.

Quality Manual

Policies and manual are roads that guide organization to achieve its strategic objectives.


Documented processes avoid conflicts and strengthen the standardization

Monitoring Results

Such results help organization to analysis data and evaluate current capabilities, weaker part of processes etc.


Brings easy trace-ability of action taken as well as individual who performed such review.

Core Tools

Quality core tools are the important elements of vigorous management systems.

Standardized Processes

Structured methods and reliable data save time, mitigate conflicts and eliminate the need for guesswork.

Operational Control

Controls keep processes and its critical characteristics into desired stages, which leads towards high quality.


It allows the organization to create the foundation for true cultural change and deliver significant cost saving along with higher customer satisfaction.


Fulfilling various product & Process requirements by means of process and product audits helps to become a loyal and reputed supplier.

Achieved Results

Tracking achieved results ensure the methods & reliability of results and making decision will become easy.


Having all the system requirements audited at a set frequency is a requirement and good practice too.


Healthy and progressive system always have periodical improvements and audit is one of the way to ensure and identify it.

Suggested For70+ Workforce per location
₹ 10B+ Turnover
Max 70 Workforce per location
₹ 5B+ Turnover
Max 50 Workforce
₹ 1B+ Turnover
Max 20 Workforce
₹ 10M+ Turnover
GAP Analysis
Awareness TrainingOnline
DocumentationHandholding for DocumentationHandholding for DocumentationCompleted ISO DocumentsDocumentation Kit.
Implementation supportLimited
Internal Audit Training
Internal Audit
On-Site VisitLimited
Timeline2 Months per location1 Month per location2 weeks1 Day

* The above table is suggestive in nature. It varies from business to business.

How can we help

How to tackle customer requirements and audits?

Know your customer (KYC) is best way to tackle customer audits. If your company can demonstrate reliable processes built upon neat, data fed shop floor, you are at the verge of qualifying for the customer orders. Simplified systems are much more effective then complex documentation.

How to make employees more productive?

Employee needs to evolve based on job needs. An aware & competent employee will always be more productive. Often companies fail to map the skill set of employees, as a result is under performance. Person is competent, based on education, training, skill and experience.

Management in Action

Implementation of management system is the will of organization employees. Top management having environment planning tools can develop an effective health & safety policy for achieving desired result.

How to make improvements at a low-cost?

People at works, are the biggest power for bringing about a change. By introducing simple systems, the organization can tap the creativity of people. Low cost improvements can be done by training on LEAN concepts and then introducing 5S and other LEAN concepts in the industry. Its SIMPLE

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